There is a painless way to lose weight that will take no time or effort. It has been revealed by an expert from a reputed slimming clinic
We are one step away from Christmas, a time when, like it or not, we end up getting fat. Dinners, lunches and parties cause us to ingest extra calories that end up accumulating in the form of fat in our body.
But, knowing this, we can prevent the scale from exploding as we enter 2020 trying to lose a couple of kilos before December. How? Simple, just eat smart and apply a trick revealed by Kristin Kirkpatric, a lifestyle and medicine consultant for the Cleveland Clinic.
This is the easiest way to lose weight
It does not matter what type of diet you follow or what meal times are yours: there is one thing we can all do to reduce the calories we eat, without pain and without starving.
The trick is to eat until our hunger subsides, not until we are full. Simple, right? Most of us eat without hunger most of the time, and we stop eating until we finish what is on our plate or until we can take no more.
The problem is that our stomachs are getting bigger and bigger because we tend to overeat, which makes us eat more and more.
Eat until you're not hungry, not until you're full
"Think on a hunger scale There is a painless way to lose weight that will take no time or effort. It has been revealed by an expert from a reputed slimming clinic
We are one step away from Christmas, a time when, like it or not, we end up getting fat. Dinners, lunches and parties cause us to ingest extra calories that end up accumulating in the form of fat in our body.
But, knowing this, we can prevent the scale from exploding as we enter 2020 trying to lose a couple of kilos before December. How? Simple, just eat smart and apply a trick revealed by Kristin Kirkpatric, a lifestyle and medicine consultant for the Cleveland Clinic.
This is the easiest way to lose weight
It does not matter what type of diet you follow or what meal times are yours: there is one thing we can all do to reduce the calories we eat, without pain and without starving.
The trick is to eat until our hunger subsides, not until we are full. Simple, right? Most of us eat without hunger most of the time, and we stop eating until we finish what is on our plate or until we can take no more.
The problem is that our stomachs are getting bigger and bigger because we tend to overeat, which makes us eat more and more.
Eat until you're not hungry, not until you're full
"Think on a hunger scale from 1 (very hungry) to 10 (very full), and avoid eating unless you're on a 2 or 3," says Kirkpatrick. And to avoid being at level 2/3 all the time, you should eat filling foods, that is, healthy proteins and fats rather than refined carbohydrates that leave you hungry shortly after eating them.
[The 9 most satisfying foods: they take away your hunger]
Be careful not to think that you need to "eat more" because you will have "a very long day ahead of you. " In first world countries, like Spain, you can grab any healthy snack with ease. You don't have to puff up at lunch or breakfast to "last all day."
It is best to eat five times a day and in small amounts, until your hunger is gone. That is the only trick not to gain weight and lose weight.
Avoid eating at night
"Many of my patients tell me they eat at night, " Kirkpatrick tells 'Men's Health'. "That is a key moment where people end up eating too much, but it is absurd, because nobody needs to fuel up to sleep."
The ideal, as we already told you in Vozpópuli, is that you do not eat anything after 19 or 20 hours at night if your goal is not to gain weight or lose weight.from 1 (very hungry) to 10 (very full), and avoid eating unless you're on a 2 or 3," says Kirkpatrick. And to avoid being at level 2/3 all the time, you should eat filling foods, that is, healthy proteins and fats rather than refined carbohydrates that leave you hungry shortly after eating them.
[The 9 most satisfying foods: they take away your hunger]
Be careful not to think that you need to "eat more" because you will have "a very long day ahead of you. " In first world countries, like Spain, you can grab any healthy snack with ease. You don't have to puff up at lunch or breakfast to "last all day."
It is best to eat five times a day and in small amounts, until your hunger is gone. That is the only trick not to gain weight and lose weight.
Avoid eating at night
"Many of my patients tell me they eat at night, " Kirkpatrick tells 'Men's Health'. "That is a key moment where people end up eating too much, but it is absurd, because nobody needs to fuel up to sleep."
The ideal, as we already told you in Vozpópuli, is that you do not eat anything after 19 or 20 hours at night if your goal is not to gain weight or lose weight.
You guys know I’m a mix of practical plus woo. On the practical side, beyond those studies referenced in the Gaia article, I didn’t find any studies that said there was a definite connection between high vibrational music and healing. I did find some studies that showed some hope but nothing definitive, so I’m not going to link them.